
Start at23 days, 24 hours, 45 minutes

International Seminar

Latin American Logistics Challenges / Regional Meeting of the Latin American WTCA

Hotel NH, Guadalajara
Sao Paulo 2334 Providencia, Guadalajara, Jalisco.

September 22 & 23


DATE: September 22 & 23 2022
WHERE: Hotel NH, Guadalajara
Sao Paulo 2334 Providencia, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
DURATION: 2 days

Privacy Policy

GUADALAJARA WORLD TRADE CENTER, S.A. de C.V. (en lo sucesivo "GWTC"), con domicilio para oír y recibir notificaciones en Av. Adolfo López Mateos Nte. 391, piso 26 Col. Circunvalación Vallarta, C.P. 44680, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México,  es el responsable del uso y protección de sus datos personales, y al respecto le informa lo siguiente:
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La fecha de la última actualización al presente aviso de privacidad es 01/08/2022


Edgar Patiño

Retired Peruvian Navy Officer, with a Professional Degree in Maritime Sciences, a Master's Degree in National Reality, Defense and Development, and a Master's degree in Economics. With more than 40 years working in public entities linked to management activities in the Defense and Transportation sectors, in the maritime and port areas, in the functional aspects of planning, economics, logistics, training, operations and execution. Directing management to optimize processes, improving user service, reducing operating costs and generating greater profitability.

 In the last 15 years, focused on the management of the planning and execution of Public-Private Investment Projects in the Transport sector as well as on the improvement of the port logistics chain, occupying the positions of Project Manager of the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment (PROINVERSION), President of the Steering Committee of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports promoted by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA), President of the Committee on Port-City Relations, Social Responsibility and Gender Equity of the Commission Association of Ports of the CIP-OAS, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Port Authority (APN), promoter and member of the Multisectoral Commission for the Facilitation of Foreign Trade (COMUFAL), managing to develop new and modern port infrastructure and equipment in a decentralized and national level, improvement of port services, improvement of the port logistics chain, joint participation With the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) in the proposal to improve road access to the Port Terminals of Callao and other Regional Port Terminals, as well as outposts at the national level, promote the development of digital tools in coordination with other public and private entities, the generation of port logistics communities and local port city councils, contributing to the efficiency and competitiveness of the National Port System, for the benefit of Peruvian foreign trade. During the COVID-19 pandemic, lead the corresponding actions to ensure the continuity of the supply chain by maritime port.

 Currently working as an Independent Consultant, member of the Steering Committee of the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports and of the Maritime, Port and Customs Affairs Commission of the Lima Chamber of Commerce.

Jorge Acevedo

Expert in projects development with economic and social impact. He is the creator of the Holistic Vision Model – Hvm® and the Holistic Infrastructure Model– Him®, used by the Mexican government and by foreign governments. External consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) in various projects in Latin America, and international consultant for business development.

 He was Editorial Advisor of CNN Expansión and columnist in different newspapers and electronic media. Author of the books “Your Future” and “Here I am, on a small planet”. Speaker at numerous national and international forums on infrastructure, logistics, inland ports, special economic zones, development of new businesses and innovation.

 Professor at different universities such as the Universidad Iberoamericana, the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) and La Universidad De La Salle. He is a Doctor in Administration, Master in Customs Law and Master in Global Marketing, with different programs and certifications in Mexico, Italy, Canada, Singapore, among others.

Jaime Granados

Head of the Trade and Investment Division of the Integration and Trade Sector of the Inter-American Development Bank. He was coordinator of the IDB trade and integration hub for Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. He was professor of trade and integration in the Americas at Georgetown University Law School in Washington DC (2004-2008). Prior to joining the Bank, he was General Director of International Trade Negotiations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica. He holds a Law Degree from the Universidad de Costa Rica and a Master of Laws from the University of Georgia and a Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford. He has published or edited several books and articles on trade and integration, including the edition, with Alejandro Ramos, of the book Free Zones, Trade and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Critical Analysis of their Opportunities and Challenges, (IDB-INTAL, 2015 ).

Jimmy Avendaño

Jimmy Avendano works as Operations Manager at Delaware’s first Amazon Robotic Fulfillment Center.  Prior to joining Amazon in May, 2021, he served as Operations Director of Port to Port International Corporation for 8 years and as the Director of the MBA Program and Continuous Education at the Universidad Privada de San Pedro Sula – USAP in Honduras. Jimmy was educated at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras from which he received a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, and at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente where he was awarded M.S. in Geographic Information Science. At the University of Twente, He performed research on project and risk management as a PhD Candidate.

Xavier Rius

Graduated in Physical Sciences from the University of Barcelona, currently General Director of ICIL (Institute for careers and innovation in logistics & supply chain), an institution created in Barcelona in 1980 focused on helping professionals and companies to increase their competitiveness in the area of logistics and Supply Chain. Prior to this position, he held logistics management positions in companies in the food sector (Panrico-Bimbo, Europastry, Nutrition & Santé) and as a senior consultant at Accenture.

Carlos Ronderos

Economist with more than 30 years’ field and academic experience in International Trade, and International Business. Ph.D Candidate at Glasgow University and Doctor in Economics from ESEADE, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

 Has been intensely involved in international trade organizations and institutions and has been active in the design of international trade policy and implementation. Served as Minister of International Trade for the Republic of Colombia, and in this capacity, he was president of Andean Council of Ministers in charge of negotiations of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTTA) efforts. Doctor Ronderos has been a consultant for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) worked with the World Trade Organization in the Development of the Regional Trade Policy Courses for staff member of the ministries of international trade of all Latin American countries. Has been involved in the development of World Trade Centers throughout Latin America, was a board member of the World Trade Centers Association and is currently Regional Director Latin America for WTCA.

Javier Solís

Augusto Solano

Executive President of the Association of Colombian Flower Exporters (Asocolflores) in Bogotá, Colombia, since 2000. Responsible for leading the process of making Colombia’s flower industry more competitive, with a focus on sustainable development and social responsibility. Asocolflores, was established in 1973 to promote the flower sector internationally and seek the comprehensive development of Colombian floriculture. Augusto Solano has supported many initiatives to increase flower consumption worldwide

 Industrial Engineer from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, with an MBA degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Asocolflores in 2000, he held various managerial positions in agribusiness banking and publishing; CEO of Riopaila, a major Colombian sugar mill; Assistant Vice-President the Banco de Bogotá Trust Company New York and General Manager of a publishing company Canal Editions. Also worked in the public sector as the economic and financial advisor to Colombia’s Minister of Economic Development.

 Currently serves as Chairman of the Board of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, WBCSD, Colombia Chapter and also of Union Fleurs in Brussels. Mr. Solano represents the flower growers from the southern hemisphere at the Board of Directors of Floriculture Sustainability Initiative, FSI, in Amsterdam.

Robin Puyenbroeck

Robin van Puyenbroeck is a purpose-driven leader with more than 20 years’ experience in international business development, partnerships, corporate strategy, and non-profit leadership. He currently serves as Executive Director – Business Development at the World Trade Centers Association where he focuses on global licensing, partnerships and media. He most recently served as Vice President-Business Development for Ethan Allen Global, based in Danbury, Connecticut, where he effectively managed and grew a network of international licensees and developed strategies for building alliances and B2B contract business.

Previously, Mr. van Puyenbroeck worked as an international business and partnerships consultant, counseling clients on strategic communications, political and organizational strategies, as well as business transactions that require a deep appreciation of markets and geopolitical context. Leveraging his expertise in the Middle East and Central Asia he advised a wide range of organizations, from emerging market corporations to policy think tanks, on strategic reviews, investment promotion campaigns, market introductions and business development. Prior to his consulting work, Mr. van Puyenbroeck worked with ING Group where he held progressive leadership roles within the company's Global Management Programme with broad experiences in business development, staff function, client relationship management, finance and project management. Mr. van Puyenbroeck began his career as an attorney for the Ernst & Young law firm in Brussels, and he holds J.D. and L.L.M degrees in international law from Ghent University and Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium.

Mr. van Puyenbroeck has leadership experience in the IGO/NGO sector, including his current roles as Under-Secretary-General for the EUCLID Intergovernmental Organization, and as Executive Vice President & Treasurer of the United Nations Association of New York. He speaks five languages (Dutch, English, French, Spanish and German) and has traveled extensively on business in Europe, the Middle East, Central and Greater Asia, and North America.

Federico Lepe

 I was born in Mexico and my professional carrier started in the High Tech industry with IBM first, followed by HP, I worked 38 years in this industry sector, my last position in IBM was as Business Systems Manager for the Latin America Region based in New York Americas/Far East Headquarter (IBM-AFE), my major achievement was to integrate IT Communications for the Central America and Caribbean IBM offices to the IBM worldwide HQ network to include them in IBM’s Administration, Finance and Operations central systems.

My main achievement with HP was when I worked with HP Europe HQ located in Geneva as a Market Development Manager for the Laserjet Printer division, growing our sales and to contribute for the successful penetration of our products in the European Central Region countries after the fall of the Berlin wall.

When I left the High Tech industry I was invited to be part of the Public Sector as General Coordinator for Trade and Investments for the Jalisco State Government, while being for 9 years in this position I had the mission to improve and grow the air cargo connectivity between Guadalajara and Asia, at the beginning we had ZERO direct flights and I was successful to start direct operations from Hong Kong – Cathay Pacific Cargo and Seul – Korean Air Cargo, today we have more than 10 weekly air cargo flights between Asia and Guadalajara, additional airlines like Cargolux – from Hong Kong, Qatar Air cargo from Macao, Geodis/Atlas Air Cargo from Hong Kong and Shanghai and MAS AIR from Zhengzhou are today flying to Guadalajara’s International Airport.

Being in the Public Sector I was able to diversify exports of the Agricultural Sector to International markets (Asia and Europe - other than the US big exports we have now), in order to support this diversification we had to improve and grow Guadalajara World Trade Centre (GWTC) Cold Chain facilities located at the Guadalajara International Airport, today we have the Best Cold Chain infrastructure in Mexico, supporting more than 65 Air Cargo operations per week for the Agroindustry and Pharma international Trade.

As of today I’m working  as the GWTC General Manager’s Senior Staff. Our main objective is to implement the growth of what we call the International AIR CARGO HUB of Guadalajara. Also I am the International Logistics Vice President of the Jalisco State´s Agriculture and Agroindustry Council.

My business relations with Asia is very strong, being a few years ago the Executive Secretary of the Mexican Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong and currently a member of the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) in Hong Kong.

Aurelio López Rocha

Presidente y Fundador del Grupo Guadalajara World Trade Center

Presidente del Comité Técnico del Fideicomiso F/ Barranca Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo

Presidente y Fundador de Cervecería Capital Pecado


Secretario de Turismo del Estado de Jalisco / 1º de marzo del 2007 A 28 febrero 2013



1983-1984 Presidente del Consejo Nacional de Comercio Exterior de Occidente

1985-1991  Presidente del Comité Técnico del Fideicomiso EXPO GUADALAJARA

1987-1988   Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Guadalajara

Francisco Javier Orendain de Obeso

Jalisciense y Tapatío, Ingeniero Civil Administrador por la Universidad Panamericana, Sede Guadalajara, Empresario y Emprendedor con una sólida formación en Gestión Empresarial, Liderazgo y Negociación por el Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección Empresarial (IPADE) y la Columbia Business School en Nueva York, Estados Unidos de America.

.Durante su trayectoria cívica ha sido integrante activo de diferentes Consejos Ciudadanos y Cívicos, foros y colectivos atendiendo sus áreas de interés Bien Común, Empresarial, Transporte Público, Cultura, Medio Ambiente y Participación Ciudadana. Comprometido con México y con Jalisco es creador de la plataforma Nunca Te Rindas que apoya a empresas y profesionistas en crisis. Xavier es también impulsor del Pacto por la Integridad y por el Bien Ser de Jalisco.

Es Ex Presidente del Consejo Directivo 2018-2020 de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio de Guadalajara y actualmente es Coordinador de Crecimiento y Desarrollo Económico del Gobierno de Jalisco.

Hugo Morones

CEO and Founder of Logex Consulting ® with offices in Hong Kong, China, Mexico and Guatemala. He has a bachelor’s degree in international business, a degree in law and a Master´s degree in International Markets, also graduated from Instituto Panamericano de Alta Dirección de Empresas (IPADE), with several studies and academic background in China and Japan. Currently the Vice-President of the Mexico China International Chamber of Commerce and Technology western chapter.

Yiovan Reynoso

Graduate of theinternational trade career from the University of Guadalajara and with a diplomain Supply Chain Management from the TEC de Monterrey. With more than 20 years of experience in logistics, international trade and customs, he started his career in 1998 and with various positions at the air cargo center of Guadalajara international airport operated by the Guadalajara World Trade Center, he was then invited by Copenhagen Airports to design, build and operate the HUB Cargo International of Cancun International Airport.

He has been an active member of different associations such as AMECE(Association of Foreign Trade Executives) COMCE Occidente. Since 2014, he has been General Manager for Tannin Mexico (NAFTA market representative for chemicals for the leather and footwear sector of BASF companies in Germany, Stahlin the Netherlands, Tanacin Brazil and Sisecamin Turkey) Inaddition, he is actively involved with Index Guanajuato, currently director of the logistics committee and general secretary, participating directly with State Government Offices and State Business Associations such as COFOCE, ANPIC, Canacar, Cicur (chamber of tanners), CICEG (chamber of shoes) and recently with the Logistics Cluster of the State of Guanajuato.

Luis Avilés

He is currently the Air Cargo Development Manager for the Houston Airport System, responsible for executing route development activities to generate new air service and cargo at George Bush Intercontinental and William P. Hobby airports in Houston, Texas. He began working with the Houston Airport System in 2007. His main goal is to increase the air connectivity of Houston with the world, promoting and coordinating efforts closely with airlines around the world.

Prior to his work with the Houston Airport System, Mr. Avilés worked for 10 years with Aeroméxico, in the Marketing division, both in Mexico City and in Houston, where he was in charge of the design and implementation of loyalty and promotional activities to increase Aeromexico's passenger traffic between the United States and Mexico.

Mr. Avilés has 25 years of experience in the airline industry, in the areas of international marketing and business development. He was born and raised in Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas and has spent most of his professional life in the United States. He has a Master's Degree in International Business from Thunderbird - Global Management School in Glendale, Arizona, and a Master's Degree in Tourism Business from the Universidad de Islas Baleares in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.